Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A New Chapter Beginning... A New Life...

Hi... it's been a while since I write here... sorry for that, because my pc got busted >.<>

Guess... luck in life will not come into your life in just one hit.. it gives you the partial then another then another... (Love, Carrer, etc.) and everything happens in your life, there's always a reason behind in it... ^^;

March 09, 2006 exact 9:04PM, when I was at our penthouse I suddenly look up into the sky to look for the moon.. a guess what I saw? In that night, that was just only a half moon but it shines like a full moon that shines so bright and clear. So bright that you can saw its flare and ray that the moon shows. That was the first time I saw a half moon shines so bright and I'll never ever forget it....

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